CBSIntlWebpress Archives
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Sophia Bekele, CEO of CBS International in an exclusive interview speaks to Capital Ethiopia, one of the Country’s top newspapers who named her “Africa’s champion for the digital age.” Sophia told Capital of her International work after her sojourn from Entrepreneurship in her home country, Ethiopia. She talked about her appointment as a policy advisor to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers (ICANN) and responded to questions on relevant technologies in Africa, and warned on the risks of incompatibility. Read more
——Capital Ethiopia 24 August 2009
Capital Ethiopia, Addis Ababa: July 27, 2009 Rotarians briefed on the Global Crisis: Sophia Bekele a Rotary Paul Harris Fellow and CEO of CBS International, a US- based company, was recently invited to address the Rotary Club of Addis Ababa and Rotary Club West. Sophia spoke on the Global Economic Crisis as it related to emerging economies, including Ethiopia, the upside to the crisis and what is likely to happen in the future, illustrating her company’s work as an example.
She spoke of the initiatives she has been working on in Africa for the past years: “
Some of the initiatives that our organisations are involved in that could assist Africa’s speedy entry into the global economic landscape are through continental projects”. One of these projects is the “dotafrica”,, which allows for registering continental/regional domains and another is a Continental Integrated Information Network (CIIN4Africa) project, which enables Knowledge sharing of the Regional Economic Communities via a continental knowledge networking project. Both of these projects have been endorsed by various leaders in Africa.
Therefore, let us hope for that “paradigm shift” said
Sophia that would make a difference in all our lives globally be it technologically or otherwise, and keep the words of hope in this trying time, as the new US president has repeatedly said : “Yes, we can”!.
Geneva- Switzerland: May 18-22, 2009, the
World Summit for Information Society (WSIS) co-hosted by ITU, UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNDP.
Ms. Sophia Bekele, CEO of CBS International, as one of the high-level panelist was invited to discuss
public private partnership (PPPs) and e-government towards a better Public Service Delivery and implementation of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Ms. Bekele also presented the experience of CBS International, well known for technology transfer to developing countries, on executing PPP schemes and the challenges/barriers and way forward.
—CBSIntl WebPress, 2009
Palo Alto, California: CEO of CBS International spoke at “I don’t know to CEO” conference hosted by Stanford Women In Business conference (SWIB)
“View From The Top: Changing the Face of Technology –Featuring people that have made great impact! Each of the outstanding panelists has changed the way we think about the Internet and beyond. With its revolutionary technology, Pandora has taken music by storm; YouTube has altered online video and sharing all around the world; Friendfeed is transforming how we learn from our friends’ online discoveries; Gmail and Adsense shattered old conceptions of email and online advertising; ng world, Shmoop is putting education on a whole new platform; Yahoo! brought the Internet into the hands of the average Joe; and CBS International brings powerful advanced information technology to the developing world with long-standing initiatives to bring the internet to Africa.
How does one little start-up end up improving so many millions of lives? What makes these people passionate about what they do? Learn how you can be one of these people whose lives affect the face of technology”... more
—Stanford Women In Business, April 2009
Alamo California: Sophia Bekele, CEO of CBS International , also a member of Addis Ababa Rotary Club was a speaker at the Alamo Rotary. “Sophia shared how Rotary values, especially the Four Way test, have impacted her entrepreneurial and humanitarian works. She presented on her home club’s current projects involving Solar Cooking and the Hunger Project. Our thanks to Brian Thiessen and Clark Johnson for coordinating today’s program” …more.
—- The Alamo Oak, April 15, 2009 Presentation link..
Sacramento, California: April 11, 2009 Ms. Bekele, CEO of CBS International addressed the Sacramento Community at the state capital on the Global Economic Crisis, organized by the African Leadership Council, on The Economic Forum’s theme: “Crisis & Opportunities”, looking for answers in tough times further presented an opportunity for Ms. Bekele to elaborate on the Global Economic Crisis and its impact on Emerging Economies, and Africa. more..
—- CBS WebPress, 2009