President and Managing partner of CBS International Sophia Bekele, was nominated and has accepted the role to advise on the African Technical Advisory Committee (ATAC)
Africa: President and Managing partner of CBS International Sophia Bekele, was nominated and has accepted the role to advise on the African Technical Advisory Committee (ATAC) that will serve the UN Economic Commission of Africa
High level meeting on Information and Communication Technologies
To address the digital gap that still excludes two thirds of humankind from the benefits of the digital revolution, the General Assembly will hold a high-level meeting devoted to information
CBS International has joined forces to bring to its consumers Real Stuff
“Western Philosophy to doing business in the East…One of the Western systems that CBS has found to be effective is partnering itself with local and international companies. CBS differentiates itself from the
CBS wins AU’s largest IT Project
“CBS wins AU’s largest IT Project. CBS International won the most highly competitive international bids for the Organization of African Unity (OAU). This investment (which is the first of its kind