CBS International featured in Bloomberg TV
CBS International was featured in Bloomberg TV as a company which has a long term history of technology transfer to Africa. It features the story of Ms. Sophia Bekele’s pioneering and visionary leadership in implementing large scale e-Africa project initiatives such as the African Union internet infrastructure and connecting customers to the World Wide Web via helping them build website and corresponding hosting & email services, as well as mainstreaming and empowering women and girls in technology. CBS International USA clients include global, multinational, continental and national organizations, in both the private and public sectors. It is Located few miles north of Silicon Valley, the technology capital of the world, CBS International was established in 1998 with an objective to support the transfer of technology and knowledge to large and enterprise-wide organizations in emerging markets.
From the time of its inception, the company has been successful in providing its clients with leading edge technology solutions, consulting and systems Integration services. Bloomberg TV Africa in its special segment called Women to watch features “Fearless, Competitive and Visionary Leaders of our time. We celebrate a new generation of African Women, closing the gender gap and shaping the continent’s political, social and economic landscape” CBS International began its journey and sees fruits of bridging the digital divide, Sophia says that Africa has to rise now that it is no longer just a consumer.
“I think in terms of implementation and consumerism, to expand globally we need our partners we cannot do it alone, so from that perspective I’m very happy to see that global partnership is coming in”. Bloomberg TV Africa’s feature of CBS International’s work is an important gesture to appreciate startups that have changed the technology landscape of Africa and the globe.